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As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our services capabilities, we will be upgrading our N4 and N4 Billing systems. This upgrade will require a temporary operational stoppage for 10 hours on Monday, January 13th, 2025, starting at 11:00am. We thank you for your usual cooperation and understanding. To receive updates via email or SMS, please subscribe to Terminal Alerts.

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Board of Directors

ACT’s Board of Directors consists of seven non-executive and fully independent members, with three representatives from Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC) and four representatives from A.P Moller Finance S.A.. Board meetings are held on a quarterly basis, setting the overall objectives and direction for the company and ensuring ACT’s full compliance with corporate governance. ACT’s CEO reports directly to the Board of Directors.

H.E Nayef  Hmeidi Al Fayez
Chairman of the B.O.D
Representative of Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC)

Mr. Soren Jakobsen
Representative of A.P Moller Finance S.A.

H.E. Dr. Murad Al Bawwab

Representative of Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC)

H.E. Hussein Al Safadi
Representative of Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC)

Mr. Rashad Toukan
Representative of A.P Moller Finance S.A.

Mr. Soren Jensen

Representative of A.P Moller Finance S.A. 

Mr. Soren Brandt
Representative of A.P Moller Finance S.A. 

The Audit Committee is a permanent sub-committee of the Board. Its role is to guarantee the effectiveness of internal control systems, compliance and statutory requirements, risk management, internal audit and compliance. It consists of two independent members represented by ADC and A.P Moller Finance S.A. The Audit Committee meets twice a year and is steered by ACT’s Internal Auditor.