Container Photos
Aqaba Container Terminal offers a simple and hassle-free way for you to verify the status/condition of your container(s). Our quay cranes and gates are equipped with OCR Cameras to take multiple high resolution photos of your containers.
- Multiple photos per container covering all four Sides and Roof.
- Photos will be emailed to the address provided in the online order form below.
- Photos will be sent within one working day.
- For first time users, please download, complete and sign this registration form and email the form to acttickingsupport@act.com.jo to finalise your registration and access request.
- Registered customers can order online using our E-services portal. Select: -> Revenue Request -> +NEW -> Request Picture.
- OCR documentation is also available through our 24/7 customer service office.
- OCR package (issuing document): 5.4 JD per container
- Digital inspection Services (bulk packages): Available, contact business development
APM Terminals Dashboard Login
Creating an APMTerminals.com account allows you to:
- Subscribe to our Global or Terminal Newsletters
- Set up Terminal Alerts (SMS or Email)
- Save import containers to your Container Watchlist and set up container Email Notifications
- Use our integrated Truck Appointment System - limited terminals
- Request additional services online - limited terminals
APM Terminals Dashboard Login
Creating an APMTerminals.com account allows you to:
- Subscribe to our Global or Terminal Newsletters
- Set up Terminal Alerts (SMS or Email)
- Save import containers to your Container Watchlist and set up container Email Notifications
- Use our integrated Truck Appointment System - limited terminals
- Request additional services online - limited terminals