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APM Terminals Pecém reports 10% volume growth and record moves in 2021

Despite a challenging year for the global logistics market, APM Terminals Pecém reports a two-digit frowth for the second consecutive year, registering close to 430,000 TEUs in 2021. The figures show a growth of 10% compared to the 2020 movements, mainly resulting from refrigerated cargo exports, which grew approx. 21% compared to 2020.

Cabotage moves in the Terminal grew by 6%, with more than 350,000 TEUs handled in Pecém throughout the year. Refrigerated cargo shipments boosted this strong growth, resulting in 47.7% above 2020 levels. Currently, the Port of Pecém offers 6 cabotage lines connecting the south of the country to the northeast and Manaus, thus being a strategic port for handling cabotage cargo and long haul.

In terms of long haul shipments, APM Terminals Pecém achieved a 31% growth compared to 2020, registering more than 75,000 TEUs moved in the year. These loads accounted for 18% of the terminal's total moves. Much of this is due to the great result of full load exports, which grew by 20%.

Pecém: main port of fruit exports

APM Terminals Pecém also grew in the export of fruits from the Northeast region to the North American East Coast and Europe. More than 11,000 containers handled from January to November represent an increase of 22% compared to the same period in 2020. In addition, the Terminal remained the main gateway for shipments of this cargo segment out of Brazil