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APM Terminals Yucatán two years without accidents

On June 6th, 2021, APM Terminals Yucatán celebrated two years without accidents resulting in loss of productive time. Reaching this milestone of zero Lost Time Incidents (LTI) was celebrated by the team on site.

APM Terminals Yucatán operates the only specialised container terminal in the port of Progreso in the Southeast of Mexico, with an expected throughput of 86 thousand containers in 2021. APM Terminals is an important employer in Progreso and creating a safe work environment is top priority.

“We have come a long way improving the safety of our workplace. We have focused on infrastructural changes, procedures and training, but above all, this is the result of great teamwork”, says Patricia Saldaña, Head of Health, Safety, Security and Environment at APM Terminals Yucatán.

A container terminal is an industrial environment, where people work with large vessels, heavy machinery, suspended loads, tools and moving trucks and containers in the yard.

´Safety is the responsibility of all of us working at the terminal. Unsafe situations have to be addressed immediately. If you see it, you own it. I´m very proud of the team and it´s great to celebrate this achievement today, but we are also very aware that we can´t lower our guard. We have to maintain a high level of discipline, control and preparedness for continuous improvement related to Safety”, says Martijn Koolen, Managing Director of APM Terminals Yucatán.

“As we look at continuous improvement in our management systems and identifying our critical control, APM Terminals Yucatan has focused on building the critical risk controls in the operational work performance.  We do this by continuously driving critical controls and safeguards into work being performed, asking and listening to the frontline workers and continuously assessing and reviewing work in identifying hazards, assessments of risk and control measures”, shares Jan Schommer, Head of HSSE Transformation Americas

The outstanding performance of the whole team is reflected in two years without a loss time injury.  “The focus of APM Terminals Yucatan is protecting our people and the environment and serving our customer”, adds Jan Schommer.