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Effective July 22nd 2024, we will be expanding our appointment windows to better serve our customers!  The transition into 30 minute slots will allow you to choose the best time suitable for your complex schedules. You will find a breakdown of the appointment windows on our Truck Appointment page. To receive future operational alerts by email or SMS please subscribe to Terminal Alerts.

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On-dock Rail

Deliver your cargo with the fastest rail turn time in Southern California. With our Intermodal on-dock rail yard which has 12 working tracks plus 6 storage tracks connecting to the Alameda Corridor, Pier 400 is capable of handling 1,100 FEUs per day on Class I rail roads (BNSF and UP), ensuring on-time arrival at inland destinations with an average East bound dwell time of less than 2 days.


  • Uninterrupted on-dock rail providing the most efficient movement of freight
  • Pier 400 controls departure schedules
  • Capacity for 4 full import trains per day
  • Fastest rail car turn time in Southern California