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New Policy for License Plates

The allowance and usage of temp tags at APM Terminals Mobile was implemented early in our operation and was intended to alleviate any barriers to conducting business. As of late, it has become more apparent that the goodwill of this process is being abused. Temp tags have proven to cause many difficulties, including not being legible to our gate system and our terminal operations staff. Effective January 1, 2024, the following restrictions will be put in place:

  • Any existing truck in our terminal system with a temporary tag of any kind will be rejected at our gate.
  • Any new truck to a company’s fleet will be required to utilize a manufactured temporary tag (any handwritten or homemade tag IS NOT allowed). It is the trucking companies’ responsibility to furnish their own temp tag in this event. You will have 30 days to obtain a valid state issued tag. Any truck using the temporary tag longer than 30 days will be rejected.
  • Any truck that has a license plate that cannot be viewed from all reasonable angles will be ejected.
  • Any truck tag that is not clean, free of obstructions (ex. grille guards), or otherwise not legible will be rejected.

This new process will allow for a better overall transaction experience at APMT Mobile, leading to all stakeholders and terminal staff benefitting from this change.

Please contact for an example of an acceptable temp tag to use during the 30-day grace period.

Thank you,
Mobile Customer Service Team


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