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IMO Container Storage at APM Terminals Barcelona

Container Sterilization

APM Terminals Gijón provides on-terminal container sterilization using a virucidal disinfectant. Once completed we will also provide the appropriate certificate of the treatment for each container.  

Benefits of container sterilization

  • Time and cost reduction by eliminating the need for transport to external facilities.
  • Savings in transport costs.

Notes on service:

  • Following disinfection the container must remain closed for three hours.
  • To guarantee the service in a safe and effective way, equipment must be free of any material that can be damaged by humidity, such as paper or cardboard.
  • The treatment is carried out using OX-VIRIN which is on the approved list of products accepted by the Ministry of Health.

Online Order Form

To request this service, please complete the details below:

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Contact Information

Container 1

Container 2

Container 3

Container 4